Pursuing your purpose and calling begins with pursuing an active, thriving relationship with the One who created you. Without Him, you will not be who you were created to be and do what He created you to do. Choosing not to surrender to Christ and make Him your Lord and Savior is choosing to live an unfulfilled, empty life. Fame nor fortune can fill you or meet your deepest needs. True success and fulfillment is found in Christ and living for Him completely.
As you grow in your relationship with God and pursue Him wholeheartedly, you will develop a desire to live for Him completely. During this development, you must choose to pursue the purpose and calling He has for your life. “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). Your response to the call determines whether or not you are chosen for the call. We are all invited to accept His call but it is our choice to accept the invitation. Say yes to the call and pursue it with urgency.
To pursue the purpose and calling God has given us, you must answer, develop, prioritize, and own your calling!
Answer The Calling
As believers, we are all called to minister. Ephesians 4:11-14 talks about how we have been given leaders to equip us for the work of ministry. This means wherever you are and whatever areas of influences you have, you are called to be a minister. Be open to share your faith with others at work, in your family, and in your community. You are to share the gospel and your faith with those around you. Ministering can be defined as attending to the needs of others. Attend the to spiritual and practical needs of others around us. Share the hope that you have in Christ. Obey His Word by being equipped and answer the call to be a minister.
If you do not know the area or field of your purpose or calling, pray and ask God to show you. He is the one that created you and placed inside of you all that you need to pursue it. Even if you do not have an answer yet, keep pursuing an intimate relationship with Him and He will reveal it to you in His perfect timing. Until He reveals it to you, be a minster where you are now. When He reveals it to you or gives you a glimpse, answer the call by giving Him your yes. Take action towards where He is leading you. Trust in Him and obey the next step He tells you to take.
Develop The Call
God will guide you and supply everything you need to accomplish what He has called you to do. It is still your responsibility to grow and develop what He has given you. Whatever He has given you, multiply it for greater use. Don’t be like the lazy and wicked servant in the parable of three servants (Matthew 25:14-20). God wants you to be fit in your calling. Can He trust you to grow what He has given you so you can be used by Him to expand His kingdom in greater ways? Give Him your best. Exercise the skills and develop the muscles to be excellent in the area of your calling and purpose. Research and implement strategies that will help your grow and develop. Find ways to be an effective minister in your purpose and calling. Pray for God to bring someone or some people in your life that can help you develop in the way that He wants you to grow. Learn, grow, and glean from those who are pursuing the same calling in the same area as you. Be a faithful servant and honor the Lord by developing what He has given you.
Prioritize The Call
Schedule your time to prioritize God and the calling He has given you. Sometimes you will have to tell others and yourself no. Ask God to guide you as you plan and set your schedule. Write the vision down. What does it look like for you to pursue your calling and make it a priority? Ask Him in prayer what must you do and what must you give up. Listen. Write down what you hear. Obey and take action. So much in our world tries to grab our attention. This includes social media, household tasks, work obligations, family expectations, or other needs, desires, and responsibilities we have. You must be determined to fight for intentional time to pursue what God is calling you to. I am not saying neglect other responsibilities and priorities you must attend to. Pray for guidance in how to honor in with all of your responsibilities while prioritizing the pursuit of His calling.
What you do first says a lot about what you value. Our ultimate priority should be relationship and time in the presence of God. At the top should also be your pursuit of who and what God has called you to be and do. Putting the pursuit of your God given calling on the back burner is saying that you value the pursuit of worldly success and progress over the purpose and design He created you for in this life. Choose what will have value for eternity and not will only have little value in this lifetime.
In prioritizing your calling, prioritize being a minister in the area of your calling. Wherever God has called you, that is where you are called to be a minister. Share your faith and the gospel with others. Be willing to pray for and with them. Live a life that truly reflects an intimate, growing, and thriving relationship with God. Be a minister with the words you speak and the life you live. You don’t have to be weird or preachy. Be who you are in Christ. Be bold and prioritize being a minster wherever the Lord has you. This is the essence of your calling.
Own The Calling
Own who God called you to be. Read His word and ask Him to reveal to you who you really are. Once you know, go after what it is He is calling you to. He promises to be with us and supply all of our needs, but our job is to actually go and do what He told us to do. Stop being scared. Like God told Moses and Joshua: “Be strong and very courageous”. Don’t be afraid. Own the call. Stop shying back. Don’t walk in false humility. Hold your head up and own who God has called you to be.
Owning your calling may rub against other people and their expectations of you. Don’t let what other people think or say change or alter in any way what God has told and confirmed. Stay in the presence of God as you pursue this boldness so that you do not go off track. Trust God to bring you the right people and resources so you can be trained, equipped, developed, and accountable to walk in the authority He has given you in your calling.
Don’t allow doubt, fear, or feelings of inadequacy make you shrink back. No holding back! Own the call!
Pursue The Call
These are the “digits” to pursing the calling and purpose of God. Answer the call He has for your life by saying yes and taking action to pursue it. Develop the call by multiplying the gifts and talents needed for you to be excellent in the area of your calling. Prioritize the call by pursuing Him and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct your plans and schedule. Own the call through boldness and acceptance of who God created you to be. In we all look to hear one day as it states in the parable, “Well done My good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).
The “fitness” of your pursuit is pursuing the presence of God and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead you to each destination you are suppose to reach. Out of relationship comes direction and provision. The fitness of your pursuit is also in ministering to others. Freely give what has been given to you. Share the good news of the gospel and what He has done in your heart and your life. The more you share, the more comfortable and enjoyment you get with doing it.
Lastly, don’t put your calling or purpose above God. Your calling and purpose is not to be worshiped or idolized. The goal is to pursue His heart and accomplish His will by His sovereign grace and power. Out of our relationship and love for God, we honor and actively pursue our calling and purpose for His glory. Pursue the call of God relentlessly.
Fitness by Digits