What you value you make a priority. Each day we are given the ability to choose how we spend our day. Even the things we feel are immovable in our schedule are still things we have decided to engage in. We all have been given the responsibility to manage our day and time.
We often make the claim we do not have time for the things we need or want to do. This is a partial truth. We really do not have time to do everything. We literally have to make time for what we value. Ultimately, if we do not have time for it, the truth is that we have not prioritized it. No matter how bad you want something, you will not see it manifest until you make achieving it a priority in your life. Let’s be honest. If you really want something, you will find a way and make time for it.
Today is the day you will choose to make a change. What is it that you know you are supposed to do or go after that you have continued to push off and neglect to do. We will deal with the schedule tomorrow. Right now, TODAY, I want you to take time and list out your priorities.
First and foremost, your Creator expects you to make Him a priority. Spending time with and caring for your family, such as our spouse and children, should be a priority as well. Your calling, purpose, and/or dream, which is given to you by Him, requires you to make them a priority. Our health and taking care of ourselves should also be a priority, even though it may look differently from person to person. These are just a few thoughts to get you started as you think about the priorities you have or need to have in your life.
How To Set Priorities
Step 1: List out all of the priorities you can think of. This list stems from roles and responsibilities you have within your family, at your job, in your community, and in your personal life. Pray and ask God what your priorities should be. Be sure He is included in your list.
Step 2: Rank them and put them in order of importance. Order matters. Again, pray and ask God what order your priorities need to be in. Knowing this is key. Failure to know what your priorities are will lead to others making them for you in the order they think is best. They are not your God and they cannot be you. Take back ownership of your priorities and properly align them to the order in which God wants you to focus on. I can already tell you that He expects to be first!
Step 3: Compare your list to your life. Look at your calendar history and determine how you have been living your life lines up with the priorities you desire to be manifested in your life. What do you need to do more of? What do you need to do less of? What adjustments are you committed to making moving forward?
So from this you should have a list of priorities ranked in order of importance that has been formed with the help and guidance from God through the Holy Spirit. You should also have a more or less list as well as adjustments you plan to make moving forward. Hold on to your list because tomorrow we will be talking about making time.
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